For the 7th year in a row. #AskACurator Day is back again, and is being held on Wednesday 13 September 2017.
Each year, it grows and grows … and without a doubt this year is the biggest yet.
At last count (just a few days ago), there were 1489 museums from 58 different countries already registered to take part in #AskACurator Day. This includes 61 from Australia, and 12 from our New Zealand neighbours. Now that’s impressive isn’t it. You can see the full list here.
The definition of curator “a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection”.
Just like #AskAnArchivist Day, for those of you who are on Twitter, you can send a query or question to a specific archive, museum, National Trust, gallery or other similar organisation that is taking part, just be sure to hashtag it with #AskACurator, and they’ll respond. Or just send a general query using the hashtag #AskACurator, an any of them can reply.
Firstly the date it’s all happening is 13 September 2017, so be sure to diary date it. It starts on the 13th September wherever you are in the world. And as Australia is ahead of other countries is is still going on by the time we get to the 14th – so sort of goes for a day and a bit for us, particularly if you are tweeting overseas organisations.
Some sample questions on the AskACurator page are:
– What is is like to be a curator?
– How do you decide what to display?
– What is the most unique object in your collection?
I think you get the idea. But honestly just ask whatever you wish.
AskACurator Day is open to everyone – both to those doing the asking, and those at the archives – the more the merrier for both – but you will need to be on Twitter to do so. This is a global event, and it’s great to see archives from so many counties already on the list to participate. Even if you don’t want to participate by asking questions, you can follow along by watching the hashtag #AskACurator, and seeing what people ask, and what museums and organisations respond. It’s a great day for all. So don’t forget to diary date it!
For more on #AskACurator Day, click here