SA-passenger-listsAs family historians we LOVE to find a name on a passenger list. Think in terms of who, what, when, where and why.

We like to know who the names of who our emigrating ancestors were. What they did? When they immigrated? Where to and from? And the big one … WHY? Did you know that you can find details which would answer most of these questions on passenger lists.

Findmypast have had their Passenger Lists Leaving the UK 1890-1960 online for quite some time now, but their brand new release of over 150,000 South Australian passenger lists records covers the years 1847-1886, filling in that very important gap of when so many emigrated.

This is an index of South Australian passenger lists, consisting mainly of British immigrants arriving in South Australia under assisted passage schemes.  Covering an earlier period of time than the better-known UK passenger lists, this index includes details of the voyages and passengers who arrived in South Australia between 1847 and 1886. From the mid-1830s to roughly 1860, assisted emigration was administered in London and funded by the sale of crown land in the newly-founded colony of South Australia.

However, in 1858, South Australia gained its own representative government and took over the administration of the land fund. It became the first colony in Australia to send its own immigration agent to London to manage both the fund and the arrangement of transport for the assisted passenger schemes. The information on these records was compiled from original passenger lists, as well as mentions of ship arrivals in the South Australian Government Gazette, Sydney Shipping Gazette and South Australian Register.

Note that these records may contain spelling variations and irregularities in age and passenger details, as information was sometimes recorded inaccurately in the original.

The amount of information listed varies, but the South Australia Passenger Lists 1847-1886 usually include the following information about your ancestor:
– Name
– Age
– Occupation
– Marital status
– Country of origin

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