If you work in a museum, or have been meaning to go and visit a musum (local or otherwise), now is your chance. Diary date January the 21st, as that is Museum Selfie Day and head along to a museum. #MuseumSelfie Day is a day when museum staff and visitors photograph themself at the museum and upload it to Twitter.
“Museum Selfie Day is a day in which many of the major museums of the world are encouraging their patrons not to actually look at the art, but to pose in front of it—then to share their oh-so-artful self portraits on Twitter with the hashtag #MuseumSelfie.”
Organised by MarDixon (the people also behind #AskACurator Day), they aim to not only get more people into the museums, while at the same time helping promote the collection their museum has.
“Each collection, each mission, each town/city/county/state/country is unique. What the public love about museums is their individuality so this is why are we trying to put a mass-market approach to solutions.
To be clear their definition of museum says that “the term Museum also also includes art galleries, national trust, estates, etc.”
I know other Twitter “Days” attract participation from organisations from around the globe, including many here in Australia. So let’s hope Aussie museum visitors and staff get on board with this one too.
The date for the world trending #MuseumSelfie Day is 21 January, 2015.
Tweets by @MarDixon, and @MuseumSelfieDay
Instagram: MuseumSelfieDay
For some pictures from the 2014 #MuseumSefie Day click here, and even more here.