I’m sure all of you know that August 2013 (yes, right now) is National Family History Month in Australia and New Zealand. Anyway if this is news to you, never fear as there are still another two whole weeks of the month left to participate, so that’s plenty of time to get out and about to meetings or to just to do your own NFHM project.
If you head on over to www.familyhistoryweek.org.au (yes, it used to be a week long event, but was changed this year to be a month long event, but the domain name hasn’t changed), and click on the link for your state (or NZ), you’ll see just what events are on and where.
And if you’re stuck for ideas on just how your yourself can participate, Shauna Hicks, the voluntary national coordinator for NFHM, has created lists for both researchers, and societies/groups to use as ideas to work through for the month:
- 31 Genealogy Activities for Researchers During National Family History Month
- 31 Genealogy Activities for Societies During National Family History Month
I know of some who have printed these lists out, and are working their way through them. I’m not sure I’d get all of them ticked off, but I’d at least get some which is good.
News on Australia’s NATIONAL FAMILY HISTORY MONTH 2014 …
The big news that has just been announced is that 2014’s National Family History Month will be a month long event next year as well. So now that gives organisation a whole year to start thinking about what they might want to do next year in their quest to promote family history to the world (or their part of it).