Applications for the University of Tasmania’s (UTAS) online course “The Photo Essay” are NOW OPEN.

This course teaches you how to tell stories through photography, and about going deeper than a single image.

We all know the impact that photographic images can have on us, individually and collectively. And when images and words come together to tell a story they can be entertaining, revelatory, breathtaking and even powerful agents of change. In this unit, you will work with media professionals to learn the basics of creating a photo essay. During the course you will hone your writing skills and learn how to create, select, and edit photographic images. Putting words and images together, you will learn how to use the photo essay format for personal, professional, or creative expression.

On successful completion of this unit you will have:

  • Created, selected and edited photographic images
  • Written expressive, concise, and effective captions
  • Created compelling stories using a sequence of photographic images and words
  • Reflected on your own work using relevant examples of the photo essay
  • And once completed, you have the opportunity exists to undertake further units within the Diploma of Family History.

For this course you will need a camera (phone camera is suitable), and a computer.

This eight week course runs from Monday 1 April 2019 through until Friday 24 May 2019, and applications close at 5pm on Friday 29th March 2019.

visit the UTAS website:
to register go here:
and to keep up with the latest courses at the Family History UTAS Facebook page.