This one is for all of those social media lovers out there. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may remember I’ve written about #AskACurator Day, #AskArchivists Day and #MuseumSelfie Day in the past. All of these social media activities are aimed at making the archives and museums more accessible, and ‘seen’ to people.
And now it is the genealogists turn!
As researchers, we do tend to research alone a home, or at the archives, society or library. But why not take a selfie while you’re doing it, or take a selfie with a bunch of your geniemates? Or when you attend your next genealogy meeting or event. There’s lots of ideas! But if you’re into selfies, you don’t need me to suggest anything anyway.
So February 1st is now officially #GenealogySelfie Day, and it’s all thanks to ConferenceKeeper and GeneaBloggers! So if you’re on Facebook or Twitter (or other social media outlets), share a selfie on Monday, February 1st with the hashtag #GenealogySelfie.
Here’s their official announcement …
The genealogy community is a friendly and rather social bunch. They share knowledge, information, documents, research triumphs and struggles, joys, sorrows – even pictures of cats. So why not selfies? Chances are good that if you’re on Facebook or Twitter, you have a hefty number of “genealogy” friends – many that you probably have never met in person, but regularly interact with through Likes, Shares, and Comments on one another’s posts. Peruse your list of “genealogy’ friends and you’ll most likely find that many use a photo of an ancestor, or a baby picture, as their profile pic. It adds quite the variety to your friends list, but you wouldn’t know them if you ran into them in the vendor hall at a conference, or sat next to them at a workshop. And with RootsTech just around the corner, there’s an opportunity to possibly run into thousands of them in person!
ConferenceKeeper and Geneabloggers are delighted to offer a solution. They are officially proclaiming February 1st as #GenealogySelfie Day – a day for social folks who love genealogy to snap a picture of themselves and share it on Facebook and/or Twitter with the hashtag #GenealogySelfie. It will be fun to put faces to names, and increase the chances of recognizing one another at RootsTech and other upcoming events and conferences.
So diary date it, and join in the fun for the first ever #GenealogySelfie Day on February 1.
But remember to hashtag it #GenealogySelfie.