In a BIG announcement made last week, the 2013 National Family History Week will be trialed as a month long initiative! So it’s now National Family History Month (NFHM)!
It’s no surprise to us that family history and genealogy is one of the most popular hobbies around the world, and why wouldn’t it be when your own family history is far more interesting that fiction!
The organisers quote that there are over 250,000 Australians who are members of family history related organisations around Australia. Just think of how many more people are interested, but aren’t actually a member of a society! Now with a month to schedule events, everyone will have time to participate in an event or two – so the idea of a month long event has great appeal countrywide.
National Family History Week has been held in Australia since 2007, usually at the end of July and into August. The National Family History Month is an initiative of AFFHO (Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations), is being held for the whole month of August and while it has received support from some of Australia’s leading government and non-government organisations, the general public will love it, as they don’t have to cram so much into a week.
During the month events will be held right across the country that focus on genealogy, family history, heraldry and related subjects including family reunions, seminars, talks, open days, history walks, book launches, film evening and expos.
So if you, your group, or organisation wish to participate by organising an event, or even using your currently scheduled event for August as a Family History Month event, you can submit details of it online by clicking on the Add Event button.
And everyone can check to see what events are on it in their area by clicking the relevant state buttons.
Keep up to date with news on Family History Month happenings by liking their Facebook page