For Australian history lovers and genealogy buffs you’ll be pleased to hear that Issue 8 of Traces magazine is out now.

As with all issues, this one is packed with 64 pages of high quality history and genealogy-related articles.

This issue’s cover story is all about genealogy and DNA. And this year we have certainly seen a surge in interest in genealogists taking DNA tests. It’s reported that around 26 million people have taken an at-home DNA test already, and I am one of those.

The article takes a look at DNA testing for genealogy including how to get the most out of your test, and what the future holds for this technology.

Also in the genealogy section, the magazine finds out what it takes to turn a passion for family history and genealogy into a career.

The school holiday’s are here, and celebrated children’s author, Hazel Edwards shows you how to furn family history into great storytelling for children – which is the perfect way to share history with our youngest relatives!

Duncan Richardson explores Brisbane’s year of disaster (1864), when the city was hit by disease, fire and flood! In the crime and publishment section, Dr Tanya Bretherton examines a spate of murder-suicides in Edwardian-era Sydney, and the impacts of family violence on the child victims.

Then and Now features the Old Parliament House in Adelaide, and read about the Shellal Mosaic which was unexpectedly unearthed in a trench in WWI, by Anzac’s serving in the Middle East.

Traces interviews authors Penny Olsen and Lynette Russell about Australia’s first naturalists, the Indigenous people who assisted European collectors on their expeditions.

Dr Matthew Stephens uncovers the little-known story of music in the early colony of New South Wales, and Jessica Barratt writes about ‘Tapping the Admiral’ and what it means in old lingo. For those with an interest in Point Hicks or Australian lighthouse history in general, there’s a fantastic article on the history of the Point Hicks lighhouse.

As always, plenty of great reading!!

So if you love Australian history and/or genealogy, do yourself a favour, and grab a copy of Traces.

You can subscribe through iSubscribe, or buy individual issues from Traces magazine themselves, or check with your local newsagent. You can find details of Australian stockists here:

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