Need some good reading while you’re home self-isolating? The latest issue of Traces magazine is out now (Issue 10), and is the perfect read for Australian history lovers and genealogy buffs.
As with all every issue, this one is packed with high quality Australian history and genealogy-related articles.
Issue 10 focuses on some forgotten, and important histories. In the Australia’s Forgotten Towns section, Sandy Guy uncovers some of Victoria’s fascinating ghost towns, and Laura Ryan investivates abandoned Arltunga in the Northern Territory.
In Hidden Histories, Michael Adam honours the Titanic’s forgotten Australian hero, and in the Australia at War section pays tribute to some young heroes, with a little insight into the ways in which women remembered men lost at war. Also on the military theme, there is a story about Sister May Hennessy who was an ANZAC nurse who paid the ultimate price.
Of course there is also plenty more, such as … the history of the Department of Lands Building in Sydney, Australia’s floating jails – yes, we had prison hulks! While Giulia Heppell writes about Martha Rendell, also known as Perth’s wicked stepmother, and the only woman to be hanged in Western Australia.
Reconstructing the Past notoriously favours the record keepers – the literate, the wealthy and the powerful. So what about those who do not leave written records? – the poor or uneducated, the oppressed and marginalised and from non-literate cultures? They find themselves either misrepresented or missing from historical records.
Anyone who has used Trove’s newspapers would know that they are a wonderful resource for for tracking all sorts people through their articles. While most are in English, there are a growing number of Australian-published, foreign language newspapers that are available to search, and are a valuable resource of information for historians and the ‘Migrant and Minority Stories’ article explains why.
Dr Imogen Wegman writes “On paper, on screen, on site: Family history in the 21st century” which is a fantastic read. For those that research online, there’s a long list or recent additions to various websites that are now available to search from the touch of a button.
As always, plenty of great reading!!
So if you love Australian history and/or genealogy, do yourself a favour, and grab a copy of Traces.
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