The National Library of Australia is not only Australia’s major, major archive repository. It is also a treasure which houses (and looks after) so much of Australia’s history.

Now the National Library of Australia are asking for you help. They are asking for your feedback on “the extent to which our digitised material and online collections meet your research or study needs”.

In the survey they ask the following:
 – how you hear about online versions of our collections
 – how you search Trove to find them, and
– what you use them for

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and is open from 5 December 2017 to through until 31 January 2018. So in your pre-Christmas or post-Christmas break, take a few minutes and help out the National Library of Australia. The team there say that “your responses will help us to develop our collections and services to best meet your research needs.” So go on, help out Australia’s favourite archive. Just click on the link below to get started.