Q1. Are you going to Unlock the Past’s Australian Expo, in Adelaide, 7-8 October 2016?
Q2. Are you a genealogy blogger?
If you answered yes to both of those questions, we have got beads for you. Geneablogger beads. But to be eligible you must register.
And just in case you’ve not heard of the term “blogger beads”, this is a term that Thomas MacEntee (aka Mr Geneabloggers himself) dreamt up as a wacky, colourful way to geneabloggers to spot each other in the crowd. And having taken part in this myself, both at Australian and overseas genie conferences … it works! And you will meet and make new blogging friends.
Blogger beads are a genie bling that that has made it’s way into Australian genealogy conferences, and we will have these lovely purple and gold ones available for all who register.
To register as a geneablogger, simply send an email to me at alona@gould.com.au with your name and your blog URL. Then when you get to the Expo, head on over to the Gould Genealogy stand and I’ll have your beads waiting for you. I look forward to catching up some old geneablogger friends, and meeting new ones too.
And one more note: we are also hoping for a group geneablogger photo. So keep an eye out at the Expo for details of where and when.