Family Historian is the most popular used genealogy software program in the UK, and without a doubt has a growing number of followers here in Australia. Why? Because is it different, and it is powerful.
One of the big features of Family Historian is it’s ability to show onscreen an entire tree using the “All Relatives” feature.
Family Historian diagrams (the onscreen trees) are interactive. Being interactive allows you to use them numerous ways, such as browsing and exploring through your tree, you can add in new entires in this screen but using click-and-drag, you can edit data that has already been entered, and of course for creating charts to print out or send to others.
Diagrams include Family Historian’s All Relatives diagram and the Everyone diagram.
This short tutorial video shows the viewer how change some of the settings on an All Relatives diagram and adding additional trees to it.
For more information on Family Historian click here
To download the free trial version click here
To buy Family Historian click here