We’ve been waiting a long, long time, and FINALLY we have good news for FTM Mac users (or soon-to-be-users) … Family Tree Maker for Mac 2 Australia/New Zealand Edition has arrived (and way earlier than expected too), and we’ve received our first supplies.

And as an added bonus, the printed manual “The Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker for Mac 2” showed up this week too. I think somehow my suppliers must’ve secretly colluded so that they timed it right for arrival of both together (yeah right). Anyway, the programs and books have ARRIVED.

Item Code FTM2012M – $99.95
With the release of FTM for Mac last year, this Mac  edition adds on to the first, but does include a number of new and unique features such as:
1. TreeSync – Ability to synchronize your tree between FTM and Ancestry.
2. Blended family view – Easily show all of the children for two spouses whether they are children of one or both of them.
3. Index of Individuals Report
4. Chart improvements
– Show generation labels
– Add text anywhere on a chart
– Option to limit descendant chart to the direct line between two people
5. Report improvements
– Custom fact sentences (used in genealogy reports & Smart Stories
– Automatic Smart Story generation includes primary individual, spouse, and children
– Research notes report changed to “Notes Report” with options to include
other types of notes


Item Code ANC4951 – $29.50
If you’re one of the many who much prefer to look at a printed book as opposed to the Help screen on the computer, and you’ve bought FTM for Mac 2, here you go … a printed version of the whole manual, all 340 pages of it. Covering everything from installing the program, to entering data, through to unlinking a tree, managing your data, adding maps and photos, uploading our tree to Ancestry.com and so much more.

So if you’re wanting a Mac genealogy software program, consider Family Tree Maker for Mac 2. It may be the perfect program for you.

And remember if you are changing over from FTM on a PC, you can bring your files with you to the Mac, so, no you don’t have to retype everything … in fact you shouldn’t have to retype anything. Here’s details on how.