Family Tree Maker 2017Last weekend saw the announcement that many have been waiting for “FAMILY TREE MAKER 2017 IS RELEASED”. While there have been delays (doesn’t all software?), and some wondered if it would ever eventuate … Family Tree Maker 2017 finally sees the light of day.

It has been about a year and a half in the making, but MacKiev (the makers of FTM) together with Ancestry have worked hard to get the program (and syncing) working well, and they weren’t willing to have anything released and rushed out as a half-baked product.

Previously available in both Mac and PC version, both editions now come on the same DVD or USB, so you simply install the one you need.

Family Tree Maker is currently available as a download only from MacKiev, with the DVD and USB versions due to be shipped early/mid August. And for those in Australia you can buy FTM 2017 from VicGUM.


AUSTRALIAN PRICES (excluding freight)
Family Tree Maker 2017 DVD (single user) – $120.00
Family Tree Maker 2017 Upgrade DVD (single user) – $66.00

Family Tree Maker 2017 USB (single user) – $134.00
Family Tree Maker 2017 Upgrade USB (single user) – $80.00

Please note, if ordering either of the Upgrade editions, VicGUM require you to email proof of your earlier FTM version before they will ship the FTM 2017 Upgrade out to you (their contact details are below).

VicGUM Contact Information:
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10am – 3pm
Address: Victorian GUM, PO Box 397, Collins Street West, Victoria, 8007
Phone: (03) 9078 4738

To find out what is new and updated in FTM 2017 have a look at thee Family Tree Maker website here. FamilySync, Color Coding, Photo Darkroom, integration with FamilySearch are just a few of the new features.

And for those who have questions about free or paid upgrades or orders, Ancestry’s syncing, and numerous other FTM related topics, before contacting us, VicGUM or MacKiev PLEASE check the long list of FAQs first. You can find that here. And if you don’t find your answer go to, type in Live Chat in the search box, and start a live chat with MacKiev’s Tech Team.

For a comprehensive review of Family Tree Maker 2017, be sure to take a read of Genealogy Tools: Family Tree Maker 2017 Released: A Review.