We recently had #AskACurator Day which is more for museums, but now it’s the archives and archivist’s turn.
#AskAnArchivist Day is a Twitter chat day that has been running for a number of years, and is organised by the Society of American Archivists. But don’t let the name fool you, as is has become a global event and there are always some Australian and New Zealand archives that participate.
They see this an opportunity for archives to:
– Break down the barriers that make archivists seem inaccessible.
– Talk directly to the public (via Twitter) about what you do, why it’s important and, of course, the interesting records with which you work.
– Join with archivists around the country and the world to make an impact on the public’s understanding of archives while celebrating American Archives Month!
– Interact with users, supporters, and prospective supporters about the value of archives.
– Hear directly from the public about what they’re most interested in learning about from archives and archivists.

So how does it work for organisations?
On October 7 (no matter what timezone), archivists around the world will take to Twitter to respond to questions tweeted with the hashtag #AskAnArchivist. Organisations can take this opportunity to engage via your personal and/or institutional Twitter accounts and to respond to questions posed directly to you or more generally to all participants. Questions vary widely from the funny through to the thoughtful.
Individuals on #AskAnArchivist Day
On 7 October, individuals who are on Twitter can ask questions either generally, or direct one to a particular archive. What do archivists do? How do I find out what’s in your collection? What the best way to preserve my family photos? etc. You just need to remember to use the “#AskAnArchivist Day” hashtag
So #AskAnArchivst Day is a win win day for all. Organisations get to promote their archives and holdings, while individuals learning about what’s held where, or archive practices and other aspects of archiving.
So on 7 October, log on to Twitter, follow the hashtag #AskAnArchivist Day and join the tweet up.
More Information
For more info, whether you are an archive or and interested participant, head on over to their website.