Finally some good news Trove.
In yesterday’s Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) the Federal Government announced that “Trove will receive $16.4 million over the next four years from 2016-17.” This will be provided the the National Library of Australia for digitisation of records, and upgrade of infrastructure. Download the MYEFO (Trove mentioned on page 140 of the pdf).
Sue McKerracher, CEO of Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) said “while it began as an initiative of the National Library, over the last five years Trove has achieved the position of a national asset representing collections right across the GLAM sector. Trove has helped drive an unprecedented level of collaboration across the sector.”
There’s no doubt that since its release in 2010, Trove content has increased exponentially. There are now 522 million items Australian and online resources in the digital collection, with more than 20 million unique users each year.

the stats as at today (20 December 2016) – 522,119,024
Historians: which includes family historians, social historians, and others researching many aspects of Australia’s history, are all breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Trove will continue … and continues to be funded for the next few years! So now I suggest we all get busy and help out with text correcting. After all, every piece of text corrected helps someone find that extra piece of information they may not have otherwise.
Afterall it is more than just a website – it represents so much of Australia’s history.
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