Ask anyone researching their family history what they wish to find, and they’ll tell you (amongst other things) passenger lists! They want to know when and how their ancestor arrived in the country. So to say that they are a key record for researchers is an understatement.
I’ve recently told you about the new South Australian passenger lists, as well as the Victorian ones that are on findmypast, and have also mentioned in the past about the Queensland passenger lists that are online at the Queensland State Archives.
However in amongst my recent genealogy-internetting I discovered that Ancestry has a stash of over 2.3 million records of Western Australian passenger lists. Well actually, it is crew AND passenger lists, so that’s very cool, and another useful source for researchers.
And for those with immigants to New South Wales, you’ll find about 10 million records of assisted and unsassited records on Ancestry.
You can see the listing of all Ancestry’s Australian “travel-related” data sets below, and get to the category click here.
– Western Australia, Australia, Crew and Passenger Lists, 1852-1930
– Fremantle, Western Australia, Passenger Lists, 1897-1963
– Australian Convict Transportation Registers – Other Fleets & Ships, 1791-1868
– Australian Convict Transportation Registers – Third Fleet, 1791
– Australian Convict Transportation Registers – Second Fleet, 1789-1790
– Australian Convict Transportation Registers – First Fleet, 1787-1788
– 19-Century Emigration of ‘Old Lutherans’ from Eastern Germany to Australia, Canada, and the United States
– New South Wales, Australia, Unassisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1826-1922
– New South Wales, Australia, Departing Crew and Passenger Lists, 1816-1825, 1898-1911
– New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
– New South Wales, Australia, Passengers Arriving at Port Phillip, 1846
– New South Wales, Australia, Wives & Children of Irish Convicts, 1825-1840
– New South Wales, Australia, Certificates of Naturalization, 1849-1903
– New South Wales, Australia 1828 – 1842: Bounty Immigrants List
– New South Wales, Australia, Registers of Seamen, 1859-1936
– New South Wales, Australia, Immigration Deposit Journals, 1853-1900
– New South Wales, Australia, Convict Ship Muster Rolls and Related Records, 1790-1849
– Queensland, Australia, Passenger Lists, 1848-1912
– Maryborough, Queensland Australia Immigrants from the British Isles & Germany 1861-91
– Tasmania, Australia, Passenger Arrivals, 1829-1957
– Tasmania, Australia, Immigrant Lists, 1841-1884
– Tasmania, Australia, Immigrant Applications and Bounty Tickets, 1854-1887
– Victoria, Australia, Assisted and Unassisted Passenger Lists, 1839–1923
Here are the titles listed on findmypast’s Australian Travel & Migration category
– Aliens Registered In The Northern Territory 1916-1921
– Passengers To South Australia On Board Buffalo 1836
– Calais Lacemaker Immigrants To South Australia 1848
– Convict Transportation Registers 1787-1870
– South Australia Convicts
– Emigrants Seeking Free Passage To South Australia 1836-1841
– New South Wales and Tasmania: Settlers and Convicts 1787-1859
– Queensland Ship Deserters 1862-1911
– South Australia Naturalisations 1849-1903
– South Australia, Passenger Lists 1847-1886
– South Australian Ex-Convicts
– South Australia, Immigrant Agricultural Workers 1913-14
– Victoria Inward Passenger Lists 1839-1923
– Victoria Outward Passenger Lists 1852-1915
– Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960
– New South Wales Convict Arrivals
– Hamburg, Germany Emigrants
– Queensland Early Pioneers
And if you get a chance to obtain or view a copy of Inside History Magazine Issue 17 (Jul-Aug 2013) do so, as Judy Webster has a fascinating article on “the case of false identity that will have you looking at 19th-century passenger lists in a new light”.
Happy searching! 😉
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