Issued monthly, Australia’s ‘Parade’ magazine claims to have “25 great, true stories from history” in every issue. While I wasn’t personally familiar with Parade magazine prior to recently … trust me, if you’re into Australian history, you WILL find these fascinating.
With each issue around 60 pages, the stories together with the regular features such As Things Were, Know Your Ancestors, Parade Post, Book Reviews, and the Paradewords crossword make for fascinating reading. Just as the Inside History magazine is Australia’s current history and genealogy magazine, the Parade magazine was back then. Although I don’t know the exact timeframe that it was produced, we have issues ranging from 1968-1980.
In browsing through a few issues, there are stories of men who were awarded VCs, and other military related articles, stories of sports men and their remarkable feats, stories of good men and bad women (and vice versa), convicts and politicians, pioneers, novelists, incidents from history, early inventions, stories of regional towns and more. You’ll find stories on Charles Kingston ‘Smithy’ Smith, and Elizabeth Woolcock who was the only white woman to be hanged in South Australia.
For all with a love of Australian history and heritage, we have to thank our Australian ‘Parade’ magazine for recording such remarkable stories.
We have a total of 76 issues, and have a request that they are to be sold as a complete set. So if you, or your organisation would like to own this amazing collection, now is your chance.
The issues we have:
1968: Aug
1970: Jul, Nov
1971: Jan, Feb, Apr, Aug, Oct
1972: Feb, Mar, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1973: Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1974: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1975: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1976: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1977: Jan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Nov
1978: Apr, May, Jun, Nov, Dec
1979: Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct
1980: May
Please note, as this is a large collection, and weighs over 10kg, postage within Australia is $25.00. For those overseas, the rate will depend on your country.
This is a once only offer, and will be sold to the first person who purchases it. It is available for sale through our website. BUY NOW
I see you are selling the Parade magazines on behalf of someone.
I notice this item is being cleared. Do you know if the $300 asking price is his/her best price?
Regards Paul
Hi Paul, thanks for your inquiry. $300 was the price that was agreed upon for this amazing collection. And I’m sorry to say that they’ve now sold.
have the whole series to sell , except No.2 . All in pristine condition.
Anyone interested please contact.
Would like to give or sell to the appropriate person.
I have a set I’m willing to sell of 36 issues ranging from 1969-1979 as a set. I will accept reasonable offers, if interested please reply with a phone number here and I will contact you.
Hi Annaliesse, thanks you for your message. We’re not interested in the set of Parade Magazines, but you could try sell them to a secondhand/antiquarian bookseller, or alternatively try sell them online through ebay or similar.
I am looking for one issue of Parade magazine with Belinda Lee on the cover. I think the title is ” The Curse on Belinda Lee “. If anyone has that issue please contact me.
I am looking for two issues of Parade magazine to complete my collection. They are number 48 and a special issue entitled ‘Pick of Parade’
If anyone has either of these please contact me.
i am looking for the issue of Parade Magazine of May 1978; with a reportage about A.G.OXLADE, Lt of 464Squadron ,who died the 6 june of 1944, on his Mosquito,in my village in Normandy5france)
6,route de la Gare
Paul Greaves
Did you find a copy of “pick of parade”?
I have #119 October 1960 , #175 – June,#179 – October ,#181 – December 1965 , year 1966 missing April, May and November. 1967 missing March. 1968 missing January. 1969 missing February. 1970 missing May. 1971 missing August to December.1972 August issue only.
I would like to sell collection as one all overs welcome.
Condition of the collection is very good. The 1960 issue is good.