First released in October 2006, the Mac genealogy software program ‘iFamily for Leopard’ has proven itself to be one of the stayers.
Being unique in the way it looks and works no doubt contributes to the loyal following that program has. Whereas other genealogy software tends to emphasize the family unit, this software’s focus is on each individual person. This distinction is subtle and is a feature of this program. In iFamily for Leopard you can see at a glance whether an individual has more than 2 parents, more than 1 spouse or the number of siblings they had. Parent-child relationships may be natural (the default), step, adopted or foster relationships.
iFamily for Leopard, one of the genealogy software programs around for Mac users, has just been updated to version 2.522. Many bug fixes and some interface enhancements make up this release. There are no new features in this release.
You can find the full list of fixes on the iFamily for Leopard forum.
For those who are new to the program, download the free trial version and have a play, or buy it online from here.