How do I activate my free Ancestry subscription that came with my Family Tree Maker program?
We do get asked this question reasonably regularly, so feel that it is useful to put it as a blog post. The answer can be found on the Family Tree Maker website, but you do have to know where to look for it, as it’s not that that easy to find. The answer below applies to activating the Ancestry subscription in Family Tree Maker 2009 and Family Tree Maker 2010 versions.
The steps to follow are:
1. Open your Family Tree Maker program.
2. Click Help > Activate Ancestry Subscription. The Welcome window opens.
3. Click Activate Subscription.
4. Enter the name and email address you use for your Ancestry membership and click Continue.
5. If you have more than one Ancestry account, you will need to choose the account you want to use.
6. Enter the password associated with your Ancestry account and click Continue.
7. Click Finish to complete the activation.
All of the Ancestry info seems to relate to USA. Is there a link to Australian genealogy.
David, it depends on which FTM package you buy as to which Ancestry subscription comes with it. The US versions of FTM obviously come with, the AU/NZ versions come with and the UK versions of FTM come with subscriptions.
Whether it be the US version or the Australian version, I am finding it impossible to activate the subscription I recieved when purchasing FTM2010 Platinum Edition.
It was certainly easier getting help to purchase the product than it is to find out why I don’t now have access to what I purchased.
Denise, I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues getting your subscription activated. I’m not sure if you’re in Australia or not, but if so, unfortunately there is no official support for the program from the publishers here in Australia. I would be directing this query to FTM Support in the US
Alternatively if you are in Aus, there are FTM User Groups in some Aus states (Qld, NSW & Vic) you may find getting in touch with them of use. If neither of those work for you, get on to the FTM Message Board, and ask there. Someone will be able to help you 🙂
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brought up in foster care was abandoned by both parents. I”ve never known my half brother who was adopted before I was born….and I have never known about any family members (aunts, uncles, etc). This has left a deep void in my life…….is there any one out there who can give me some help/advise ?????
I have put in my registration code ,went to read terms and condition and cant get back to previous page .Do I have to register code again ,I,m in Australia .Help Please
Robyn, I suggest giving Ancestry support a call to sort it out. Their Aus phone number is 1800 251 838 (M-F 9am-8pm, S-S 9am-4pm).
How do I activate my code?