Tag: RootsTech Conference

RootsTech 2015 Livestream Videos Online Now

With over 300 presentations on offer, the combined RootsTech/FGS 2015 Conference was truly a smorgasbord for attendees, but it also made it impossible to get to every talk you wanted to. Fortunately for many (both those who were there, and those who couldn’t make it), a few of these were recorded and are available to view on the RootsTech website.

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Saving Memories Forever Wins the 2014 Developer Award at RootsTech

The biggest genealogy conference in the US, RootsTech, has just wound up for 2014. And one of the big features of it is the Developer Challenge. This is an initiative where they reward developers who introduce the most innovative, new concepts to family history. With 17 entrants from around the world, it was tough, but the panel of judges chose Saving Memories Forever.

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