Are you in need of some good reading? Well, you’re in luck, as the latest issue of Traces magazine (Issue 15) is out now. So if you have a love of Australian history and genealogy this is just what you need. As with all every issue, this one is packed with high quality Australian history and genealogy-related articles.
The July 2021 issue has just hit the shelves (or letterbox), so what great articles are in this issue?

In this edition the editors have changed things up a bit by including some stories from ‘recent history’
Natasha Cantwell shares with us the moments of love, war, and unity that made th 1956 Melbourne Olympics special, while Wendy Cooper lets us into the world of botanical artist William T. Cooper.
Dr Peter Hobbins explores the history of the ill-fated ‘Preussen’, the German ship that left a trail of destruction wherever it went. Next up you’ll learn about the dedication and tenacity of Vera Deakin, secretary of the Australian Red Cross’s Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau, as you’re taken back to World War I.
Georgina Stones introduces us to bushranger Michael Howe, and explaines how his story has been distorted over the years by falsehood and political disinformation.
Cassie Gilmartin, formerly Cassie Mercer of ‘Inside History Magazine’ has written a specials sotry about her new website and podcast series, The Portrait Detective. which is designed to help family historians discover more about their own family portraits.
The Fremantle Markets which were built in 1897 and have a rich history, feature in the Then and Now section, while the Builders Arms Hotel built in 1853, which is one of Melbourne’s oldest pubs has a past indelibly marked by First Nations activism.
There’s a great article on Australian sign-wrtiters, who are described as ‘invisible workers respobsible for some of the most visible aspects of our cities’. And Roy Maloy writes an article on a murder that took place in Tungamah, a small community in northern Victoria. You’ll discover the tale of Miss Jessie Dunraven Burls, a feisty Australian temperance worker in the 1910s and 1920s. Jessie Burls reinvented herself from a poor, rural Tasmanian girl of convict ancestry into a descendant of the Irish nobility. Have a read about heraldry in family history, and Naomi Parry’s efforts in working on Aborginal stories, and there’s a biographical sketch of indigenous Australian Musquito and his incredible life.
So all of this and more .. makes for great reading. So if you love Australian history and/or genealogy, do yourself a favour, and grab a copy of Traces.
Available in both printed and digital form, you can subscribe through iSubscribe or Traces magazine directly. And you can buy back issues of the magazine from Traces magazine themselves. Some newsagents to do stock the current issue, so check here to see the Australian stockists:
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