FreeBMD is a website that is hugely useful for English and Welsh researchers. Having started in 2008, this ongoing project has an aim of “transcribing the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, and to provide free internet access to the transcribed records”. With the help of volunteers they have already indexed a huge 271,416,765 distinct records, with a total of 348,556,577 total records (as at 17 January 2019). So that’s almost 350 million records … available, online, and FREE.
Now the folk at FreeBDM are asking for your help. They don’t ask for money, just a few moments of your time to fill in a survey.
The following is their announcement …
Can you help us to improve FreeBMD?
The FreeBMD website will be undergoing a revamp over the next few months. The new website, which will run alongside the current one, will be in line with the design used for sister projects FreeCEN and FreeREG. We want to make sure that it continues to provide the service that family history researchers know and love, whilst possibly incorporating new features that will improve your experience.
We’re asking you in this form, for how and why you use FreeBMD, and what, if any, improvements you would like to see. Please make your responses as clear as possible.
We understand that due to the nature of genealogy research, answers will be approximate, or ‘your best guess’. If you feel you have more to say than the question structure allows, please make a note and use the answer space in the final question to tell us.
If you’re wanting to help them out, CLICK HERE to go to their survey.