The Victorian Government recognises that local and community history is an important part of Victoria’s memory, and their annual Local History Grants Program encourages and fosters community activities that preserve, record and share the local, social and community history of Victoria and Victorians.
Held annually since 2001, the Victorian Local History Grants Program for 2018 has just opened for applications.
The small grants of up to $15,000 are made to community groups for the preservation and sharing of Victorian history through such projects as oral history, digitising, cataloguing, epublications, archival materials to store your collection, the development of exhibitions, online programs and more. So if you’re in Victoria, and your group could do with some cash to help out with your collections or a project, please read on.
– Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) OR be auspiced by a group with an ABN (e.g. Council, Library etc.)
– Organisations that have failed to abide by the terms and conditions of previously awarded Local History Grants.
If you’re interested, have a read through the list of those awarded grants in 2017-2018, then have a read of the FAQs here, and you can find the full Application Guidelines here.
If you’ve still got queries, you can call the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356 on any weekday between 8.30am and 5.00pm (except Public Holidays) or email
The grants are administered by the Public Record Office Victoria on behalf of the State Government of Victoria, and applications need to be in by Tuesday, 18 December 2018.