Title: Tracing Your Irish Ancestors: The Complete Guide
Author: John Grenham
Media: paperback, 608 pages
ISBN: 978717150243
Year: 2012
Other Data: 4th ed., b&w photos, maps, addresses, index
Item Code: GAM007
Price: $49.50
Link to website

John Grenham is man who know Irish genealogy inside out, and in ours (and many others) opinion “Tracing Your Irish Ancestors (4th edition)” is the best book written on the topic … so much so that it is commonly referred to as the “bible of Irish genealogy”.

For those who might be familiar with earlier editions of the title, this 4th edition retains the familiar structure of previous versions but is now more useful than ever. Combining the key features of a textbook and a reference book, it describes the various steps in the research process while at the same time providing an indispensable body of source materials for immediate use.

The biggest change from previous editions is in its approach to the internet. Online research is now an essential part of any Irish family history project, so the 4th edition serves as a directory to online records, discussing their uses and outlining research strategies. The sheer scale of the data available online makes a guide such as this all the more essential, and in the hands of a master it is indispensable.

Along with its step-by-step instructions in the location and use of traditional genealogical records, its discussion of civil records of birth, marriage, and death, as well as land records and wills, and its list of Roman Catholic parish records and source lists – all expanded, updated, and indexed – it is easily the most useful book in Irish genealogy.

This is a MUST HAVE reference work for everyone researching their Irish roots.

List of Illustrations
Preface to the Fourth Edition
– Where to start
– What you can expect to find
– Starting research online
– US sources for identifying Irish place of origin
– Canadian sources for identifying Irish place of origin
– Australian sources for identifying Irish place of origin
– British sources for identifying Irish place of origin
– The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
1. General Register Office Records
2. Census Records
3. Church Records
4. Property and Valuation Records
5. The Internet
6. Wills
7. The Genealogical Office
8. Emigration and the Irish Abroad
9. The Registry of Deeds
10. Newspapers
11. Directories
12. Occupational Records
13. County Source Lists
14. Roman Catholic Parish Registers
15. Research Services, Societies, Repositories and Publishers

For more information, or to order ‘Tracing Your Irish Ancestors’ click here
To check out the range of other Irish genealogy books available click here