Every family has secrets right, and as researchers we LOVE to find out those long-hidden secrets. That’s partly what makes family history so exciting.
Anyway a researcher from the University of Melbourne is asking the question “have you discovered secrets kept by past generations in your family history research?” And he’s looking for volunteers to take part in an online survey.
The project, “Family Secrets, National Silences: A Sociological Study of Intergenerational Storytelling“, aims to better understand the social role of family secrets and the impact of social policies on families over time.
The survey consists of 7 questions and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. To participate please fill out the survey at: http://www.familysecretsstudy.com.
For more information please contact the researcher Dr Ashley Barnwell arnwell@unimelb.edu.au.
Is this survey still current, please? (November 14, 2016)
Denise, it certaily seems to be. So why not give it go.