top 6 Irish family history books

top 6 Irish family history books

Do you have Irish ancestors and need some guidance on how to go about researching your family history? Such as where to look and what’s even available? Here are the 6 top sellers in the Irish family history and genealogy range that we sell.

Tracing Your Northern Irish Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians – Ian Maxwell
This second edition of ‘Tracing Your Northern Irish Ancestors’ is an expert introduction for the family historian to the wealth of material available to researcers in archives throughout Northern Ireland. Many records, like the early twentieth-century census returns and school registers, will be familiar to researchers, but others are often overlooked by all but the most experienced of genealogists.
Item Code: PNS285
More Details: on our website

Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet: A Guide for Family Historians – Chris Paton
Ireland has probably experienced more tragedy when it comes to the preservation of resources for family historians than any other region of the British Isles. Many of the nation’s primary records were lost during the civil war in 1922 and through other equally tragic means. But in this book Chris Paton, well-known Northern-Irish-born author, shows that not only has a great deal of information survived, it is also increasingly being made available online.
Item Code: PNS261
More Details: on our website

Tracing Your Irish Ancestors: The Compele Guide – John Grenham
John Grenham’s book has long been regarded as the ‘bible’ of Irish genealogy, and is considered as a ‘must’ for everyone who is researching their Irish roots. This fourth edition of ‘Tracing Your Irish Ancestors’ embraces online research as an essential part of any Irish family history project. He includes detailed guides to Irish online records throughout the book, discussing the idiosyncrasies of the digital versions of sources and outlining research strategies. The sheer scale of digitisation can make it both easier and more confusing to do research, and makes a guide such as this all the more essential. Along with its step-by-step instructions in the location and use of traditional genealogical records, its discussion of civil records of birth, marriage, and death, as well as land records and wills, and its list of Roman Catholic parish records and source lists— all expanded, updated, and indexed–it is easily the most useful book in Irish genealogy.
Item Code: GAM007
More Details: on our website

Irish Family History Resources Online – Chris Paton
Many records still exist which can help with your ancestral pursuits, and for those unable to make their way to Ireland to carry out research, the internet is finally coming to the rescue, as more and more material is increasingly finding it’s way online by the day. This revised and fully updated Unlock the Past guide explores the key repositories and records now available online, and will prove to you that if you have been put off with Irish research in the past, now is absolutely the time to take another look.
Item Code: UTP0282
More Details: on our website

Discover Irish Land Records – Chris Paton
The questions that drive us with family history research in Ireland are no different to those asked anywhere else in the world. We need to find the records that tell us who our ancestors were, when and where they lived, and how they related to others. In this guide book, Chris Paton takes a look at the potential to be found within Irish land records. Amongst documents of ownership and tenancy, valuation and tithes records, documents for inheritance, censuses, and many other resources, there are ancestral stories lying dormant and waiting to be found. In this guide, he demonstrates how to find them.
Item Code: UTP0287
More Details: on our website

A New Genealgical Atlas of Ireland – Brian Mitchell
The 2nd edition of this book is not only valuable for tracing your pre-1864 ancestors in church records but also for locating your post-1864 ancestor in civil records, for this volume provides descriptions and maps of the parochial and civil administrative divisions to which all major Irish record sources are linked. To aid the researcher in identifying the precise location of the administrative divisions, and thus their jurisdiction, the author has drawn at least four, and sometimes five, maps for every county. The first county map depicts the civil/Church of Ireland parishes; the second shows the baronies and Church of Ireland dioceses; the third map illustrates the poor law unions and the parishes included within the probate districts serving that county; the fourth plots Roman Catholic parishes and dioceses; and the fifth locates Presbyterian congregations for the nine counties of Northern Ireland. Three maps of Ireland are also included to show the area covered by each county, diocese, and probate district. In addition, the book describes all of the major record sources of Ireland. These maps provide the clues to the Irish origins of millions of people, making this atlas indispensable for tracing ancestors in Ireland!
Item Code: GPC096
More Details: on our website

The titles listed above are only 6 of the hundreds of Irish history and genealogy related titles that we list. For more Irish products visit our website: