I recently wrote about Legacy Family Tree and Windows 10, and now here’s the word from the publishers of RootsMagic, and what they say about Windows 10 …
“Will RootsMagic run on Windows 10?”
The short answer is
Microsoft made early versions of Windows 10 available to developers and to the public to make sure the final release was as stable and as compatible as possible. We, and many RootsMagic users, have tested and confirmed that the software works as designed in the new operating system.
So whether you’re an early-adopter and are already downloading Windows 10, or a cautious user taking a wait-and-see approach, we’ve got you covered.
Important Update: Apparently Microsoft snuck in a last-minute change that didn’t exist in earlier test versions. There is a Windows registry entry needed in Windows 10 to allow programs to display data using the internal browser component (again, it was working in Windows 10 preview builds). This prevents the internal WebSearch from working, certain text appearing on some screens, and backing up to Dropbox and Google Drive.
Fortunately, the problem is easy to fix:
If you are using RootsMagic 7 under Windows 10:
1. Select Help > Check for Updates from the Main Menu. You will see an update is available (version 7.0.7 or higher).
2. Follow the instructions to automatically download and install the update.
If you are using RootsMagic 4, 5, or 6 under Windows 10:
1. Download the .REG file from files.rootsmagic.com/RootsMagic-Win10-Browser-Fix.reg
2. Run the .REG file to add the necessary entries to your Windows registry. It will display several scary warnings. Just keep telling it that “yes”, you do want to make the change.
Am thinking of moving over from FTM to RootsMagic. I have an older verson, FTM16, and have more than 110,000 entries. I did not know that I should have compacted the file very often and have never done so. My questions are: if I compact it now, will there be problems (I know you can’t specify for another program but may have knowledge about it) and is there still a discount for people who choose to move to Rootsmagic? What is the cost?