Sometimes all you need to get you on the right track, is a little guidance. And that’s what Ancestry gives you with their research guides.
These are short, useful research guides that cover a specific topic or country, and they are FREE to download.
While I see that a number of these are dated 2014, I will admit that I have only just found out about Ancestry’s Research Guides, so thankyou to Gail Denver of the Genealogy a la Carte blog for alerting me to them.
There are currently 32 different research guides that cover everything from DNA, and Black Sheep, to Creating TImelines, to Starting Your Tree on Ancestry, German research, Swedish research, Things You Needs to Know About Passenger Lists, and State Research Guides (US of course), and a heap of others.
Saved in PDF format, they are readable on anything. So go and check them out, and download them from the Ancestry website. Every little bit of learning helps.