
Did you know that there are now over 5000 genealogy and history related groups or pages on Facebook? Yes, there is … truly! So if you are into genealogy and simply use Facebook just to keep up to date with who’s doing what, and the latest pictures your friends post, you’re using it all wrong!

Facebook really has become a major research tool in genealogy, with societies, archives, regional research groups, surname groups, and people who share local history knowledge are on Facebook.

It has become a haven (or should I say heaven) for genealogists … but the question I keep being asked is “How do I find what’s there” followed by “What’s relevant to me”?

Well here’s how you can find them …

One way to find Facebook groups or pages is to simply type keywords in the search bar up the top (names or places usually with the words “genealogy” or  “family history” as well) and see what comes up, however Katherine Willson has done the hard work for you, as she has been compiling a list of (English speaking) history and genealogy related pages and groups on Facebook.

Adding to this list every month, she has just done her update for April 2015, and this list now comprises of over 5000 entries (5056 to be exact), and has reached 144 pages. With new pages and groups found, and new ones starting up, this list just keeps growing.

Katherine not only does this for her own use, but she kindly offers this list everyone to download and use for free. You can find the link to download this list on her website: http://socialmediagenealogy.com/genealogy-on-facebook-list.

If you know of genealogy or history groups or pages on Facebook that are yet not listed, please let me know, and I can pass them on to Katherine. Or you can write to her directly, her contact details are here.

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