I first introduced you to the CanadianHeadstones.com website a couple of years ago. In that earlier post I wrote …
The aim of the Canadian Headstones project is to capture digital images and the complete transcription of headstones of our ancestors. Time and vandalism have an effect of headstones so it it vital that they are recorded now – before more are lost.
Last week CanadianHeadstones.com, Canada’s primary website for cemetery headstones hit the amazing figure of ONE MILLION photographs on their site! One million is a huge number in any context, but when you’re talking about photographs, that’s a LOT of photographs even for the avid photographer!
Of course they have thousands and thousands of people who have uploaded headstone photographs to their site, and for that they are eternally grateful, as these people help make the site what it is.
So from us down here in Australia a HUGE congrats to everyone involved with the Canadian Headstone Photos Project – those that manage it, and those who volunteer and upload photos to it – its a spectacular effort, and keep up the fabulous work! Every photograph of a headstone is helping that headstone be preserved. Every transcription that is uploaded is making it easier for someone to find a connection to their family.
You can keep up-to-date with the latest happenings from CanadianHeastones by following them on Facebook.