Title: The Scottish Australasian 1910-1918
Author: Offical Organ of Highland Society of NSW & Affiiated Societies
Media: CD-ROM, 2 CDs (7038 pages)
Year: (1910-1918) 2011
ISBN: 9781921893810
Item Code: AU9700C-1910
Price: $49.50
Link to website
This 2 CD set contains a complete run of the ‘Scottish Australasian’ journal from December 1909 to 1918 (over 7000 pages worth).
First published in December 1909, the journal wanted “to help the young folk of Scottish parentage to better understand the history, literature and songs of the land of their forefathers”.
The journals have articles on a wide range of topics relating to Scotland – articles on well known Scots in Australasia, Scottish Songstresses, Scottish heroes of the war, ships of long ago, obituaries, the clans, and much more.
The regular sections in the Journal are:
– Scots we Know
– Easy Chair
– Australian Mariners of the Past
– Great Families of Scotland
– Stories of Australian History
– Scot Captains of Industry
– Miscellaneous Articles
– Obituaries
– Poetry
– With the Societies
– Our Micellany
The death, since our last issue, of Alexander Smith, of Balmain, removes from our midst one of the most worthy Scotsmen who took an active part in affairs of Scottish interest. Born at Old Cumnock, in Ayrshire, Mr. Smith came to New South Wales when quite a young lad. After his school days he travelled for some time for Messrs. John Keep and Sons, with whom he served his apprenticeship. He subsequently commenced business on his own account as an ironmonger in Balmain, …
Three times buried in the trenches, once missing, and once reported killed! This was the record of Private Wm. Nairn, A. and S.H., who was employed previously at Dundonald Colliery, Fife. Fate has dealt her last blow at the gallant soldier, who has been killed by a shell.
Hallowe’en at Bundaberg.
The Hallowe’en festival celebrations held under the auspices of the Bundaberg and Musgrave Caledonian Association at the Caledonian Hall in Barolin Street recently were a great success. The first part of the evening was devoted to a concert, and the fine programme submitted was greatly enjoyed. The musical programme was as follows :—Overture, Bundaberg Pipe Band; song, “The Jolly Sailor,” Mr. G. Knox; Boy Scouts March, Philharmonic Society; duet, “Callar Ou,” encore, “The Banks and Braes,” Misses Stewart; song., “Sunshine and Butterflies,” Miss Cook; selection on the bagpipes, Miss G. Nicolson ; song, ‘I Love a Lassie,” encore, “Roaming in the Gloaming,” Mr. J. Cullen; recitation, “The Gambler’s Wife,” encore “A Night in June,” Miss I. Marles; “Bonnie Blue Bonnie,” Philharmonic Society; song, “My Ain Folk,” encore ‘Song of Hope,” Miss E. Stewart; dance, Highland Fling, Rosie McColl; song, “The Bandaliero,” encore, “Youth,” Mr. T. College; duet, “0 Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast,” Misses Stewart; “The Aeroplane,” Philharmonic Society; National Anthem by the concert company and audience. Miss Ivy Marels, L.T.C.L., played the accompaniment. The remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing, and haggis, chappit tattees, refreshments, dookin for apples, and other delights dear to the Scottish heart. The music for the dance was supplied by Mr. McRobbie and Mr. Marquis made a very efficient M.C. The proceeds of the evening were to be devoted to “Jack’s Day.”
These CDs contain high quality scanned images of the original journals. These have been been bookmarked for easy navigation, and pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
System Requirements:
– Any computer using Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 4 or later
– Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for CDs with searchable text