It is with sad news that I advise of the passing of Ron Austin, one of Australia’s great military historians.
While I didn’t know Ron all that well personally, as I’ve mostly had dealings with him as he is a supplier of ours, I have met him on occasions at various genealogy events where we’ve both exhibited, and also on the 1st Unlock the Past History & Genealogy Cruise that he and his wife came on. Whenever our paths have crossed it has been a true pleasure. Ron Austin, was one of Australia’s great military historians.
Ron was one half of Slouch Hat Publications, which specialises in Australian military history book. This home based business was formed by Ron and his wife Sue Austin in 1989 and we have dealt with them for many years selling the books that he and others wrote, and he produced.
Having been in the army himself Ron’s knowledge on anything military related was extensive, and combining this with a passion for history, Ron wrote many Australian military Unit histories, as well as “AIF Unit Histories of the Great War 1914-1918” which he authored for Unlock the Past.
To the family and friends of Ron, please accept our deepest sympathies. He will be missed. R.I.P. Ron – from all of us at Gould Genealogy & History as well as the team at Unlock the Past
I didn’t know Ron but had heard of his marvelous work.
R.I.P Ron and sincere condolences to all his family