The book publishing side of Unlock the Past continues to grow. One new title and one new edition have recently been released.

Read Which Genealogy Program? which will help you choose the best genealogy program program for you and use the FamilySearch book to help you work your way around the new FamilySearch website.

Mining ancestors, copyright, land research in Australia & NSW and a basic how to research guide … these are the topics of some of the titles that are expected in the coming months.

Feeling Comfortable with the New FamilySearch
Author: Graham Jaunay
paperback, 20 pages
ISBN: 9781921956041
Year: 2012
Item Code: UTP0244

There is little doubt that the FamilySearch website is one of the more important internet sites for family historians seeking their British, Irish and European ancestry.

This booklet guides the user through the website that underwent a major revamp in 2011.

It also reveals some strategies that should ensure searching the website is more fruitful. Moreover the booklet outlines some of the hidden features of the website that all researchers would benefit from using. Click here for the full description.


Which Genealogy Program? (3rd edition)
Kerry Farmer & Rosemary Kopittke
paperback, 88 pages
ISBN: 9781921956034
Year: 2012
Item Code: UTP0101

Collectors of family history tend to accumulate extensive but diverse genealogical information. ‘What is the best way to organise it all?’ is a question that soon arises, generally followed by ‘How so I present this information and preserve it for posterity?’

A genealogy program is part of the solution. ‘But which genealogy program is best?’ How do you decide which features you will want, and determine the most appropriate software without testing them all?

‘Which Genealogy Program?’ surveys the major available family history programs available, and discusses their features. Dedicated sections compare aspects such as ease of use, help and support, the various reports available, data flexibility and convenience features, use of multimedia, source recording, file transfers, functions for ‘power users’, privacy controls, as well as the offerings in the Australasian editions. In an easy to read format, ‘Which Genealogy program?’ provides you with all the information you need to make your own judgement about the available software. Click here for the full description.