Title: Inky Fingers: The Biography of Elijah Tucker, a Printer, Editor & Journalist in the Victorian era & noted New Zealand Colonist
Author: Janet Worthington
Media: hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN: 9780646556598
Year: 2011
Other Data: b&w photos, maps, indexes
Price: AU$40.00 (+postage)
Link to website
For a highlight this week I’ve chosen to highlight a recent release from well-known Australian genealogist, Jan Worthington.
This is a biographical family history exploring the life and times of Elijah Tucker (1811–1894), who was a printer, publisher, newspaper editor and writer and who emigrated with his family from London to New Zealand’s New Plymouth, then moved to the South Island in 1856.
One of New Zealand’s unsung pioneers, Elijah influenced early New Zealand society with his left wing political views, his wide education, reading and knowledge of literature and politics. His influence was felt through his involvement in many newspapers, including The Taranaki Herald, Marlborough Press, The Nelson Colonist, Wairau Record, Nelson Evening Mail, The Wanganui Times and The Wesport News.
Written by Sydney based genealogist and author Jan Worthington (Elijah’s great-great granddaughter) ‘Inky Fingers’ follows the adventures and mixed fortunes of the extended Tucker and Caigou families through 18th & 19th Century England, France and New Zealand.
Elijah was in business with his brother-in-law, Soho bookseller and publisher John Russell Smith (1810-1894). Their wives were the daughters of London printer and classical reader, James Caigou, who during his apprenticeship to Charles Roworth printed Jane Austen’s first novels. Elijah was acquainted with many influential people including, Karl Marx, David Urquhart, Professor Francis Newman, and pioneer leaders of New Zealand, such as Alfred Domett, Edward Stafford, Dr John Danforth Greenwood & Charles William Richmond.
Fully illustrated with over 120 photos, maps and pedigree charts, this book is completed with an index.
This is not a book that you can buy from Gould Genealogy, as it is only available direct from the author.
The price is AU$40.00, with $15.00 postage & handling for delivery within Australia.
NZ$45.00 (+ NZ$20.00 postage & handling)
UK£25.00 (+£26 airmail or £14 seamail)
Payment can be paid by by cheque, money order or electronic funds transfer in NZ$ or UK£.
Copies can be ordered from:
Jan Worthington Genealogy
PO Box 1633
North Sydney, NSW 2059
Phone: 0418 124 505
Email: info@janworthington.com
Web: www.janworthington.com