Genealogists are known for their generosity with time, advice, look-ups and sharing information. Now thanks to an initiative of Australian genealogist, Judy Webster, we all have another way to share.  She’s created the ‘Genealogists for Families’ Project through Kiva, which helps those in need with small loans.

Judy explains why she started this project:

“For as long as I can remember, my father set aside a small sum of money that he would periodically lend to a hard-working person in need of short-term help. We called it his ‘Do Good Money’. Dad passed away last year at the age of ninety, and I want to honour his memory by continuing his tradition. I have just found an easy way to do so.

Friends recommended Kiva, a non-profit organisation that allows you to lend just $25 to a specific low-income ‘entrepreneur’ across the globe. You choose who to lend to, and as they repay their loan, you get your money back. This is a simple and sustainable way to empower someone to support their family and lift themselves out of poverty. As your money is repaid you can either withdraw it or lend it again.

In the very unlikely event of a loan not being repaid, I can easily afford to think of the $25 as a donation. To me, $25 is a few takeaway lunches or coffees, which I would not miss. For the borrower, it may be equivalent to a fortnight’s income.”

Now genealogists  around the world, are working as a team to help families and small businesses in low income areas. Through Kiva, a nonprofit organisation, we make $25 loans that enable borrowers to expand their businesses, support their families and raise themselves out of poverty. When the loan is repaid, the lender can withdraw the money or lend it again.

Join the ‘Genealogists for Families’ Project and be part of the growing team of individuals who make a difference by helping families now and in the future.

Please help spread the word about Kiva and the Genealogists for Families Project. Print this out and share it at your local Genealogy Group, or tell all of your genie friends, and if you blog, do a post on it. The more people who are involved, the more people get helped … and they need our help.