Gould Genealogy & History has teamed with a local printing company to bring you Photo Books and Photo Calendars. Create your own professional photo albums with this Easy to use FREE software for PC or Mac. No experience needed, it really is easy … and fun. Get amazing results – with pictures and text.
All printing and binding is done locally in Australia for fast production and delivery within Australia or overseas. The perfect gift for anyone and any occasion
- family history presentations to other members of your family
- family reunions, biographical record (with text and photos)
- parents’ and grand parents’ gifts to their children
- children’s gifts to parents and grandparents
- “This is your Life”
- your wedding, honeymoon, Christmas or other special occasion
- baby albums, kids’ parties, kid’s life story in text and photos
- travelogue – holidays, camping or travel journal
- birthdays, anniversaries
- tribute and memorial books
- school photos, children’s books, pets
- your hobby, sport or child’s project or other special interest
- create a portfolio of your business products or services
- personalised calendars and large prints also available
whatever you have to present or share
try Family Photo Book today see how easy it is to get great results