logo - mundia genealogy.com mycanvas myfamilyThe latest big news to hit the genea-waves (or is it genea-vine?) is that Ancestry.com are having a clean out in a bid to refocus their efforts, and in doing so are discontinuing some of their services. You can all rest easy as it’s not their Ancestry website (or Ancestry.com.au, Ancestry.co.uk, Ancestry.ca or any other country Ancestry sites), but rather it’s their MyFamily, MyCanvas, and Mundia sites which will be closed down, and the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests which had been available through their DNA website have now been discontinued.

In addition, the Genealogy.com site will undergo major changes but will remain as an available product. Members and subscribers to each of these services will be contacted on how these changes will affect you.

You can read the full annoucement on Ancestry.com’s blog, but here’s a portion of it …


“We’re proud of the variety of products we’ve created over the years that enable people to discover, preserve and share their family history. We recognize that there are a lot of ways that we, as a company, can make family history easier, more accessible and more fun for people all over the world. And we’re continually innovating to make it a reality.

We’re always looking to focus our efforts in a way that provide the most impact, while also delivering the best service and best product experience to users. To that end, we’ve decided to retire some of our services: MyFamily, MyCanvas, Genealogy.com, Mundia and the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests.

We will note that the AncestryDNA (autosomal) test will continue to be available for purchase. Only the y-DNA and mtDNA tests will be retired.

Starting September 5, 2014, these services will no longer be available to access.”

If you are a user of any of these serives, Ancestry.com have FAQ sections on the various websites which might help …