Family Historian is England’s most popular genealogy software program, and does have a growing number of users in Australia, and even more after the recent Choice magazine survey of genealogy software, in which this program scored highly (note: you do need to be a member to read the full article).

The latest advice from Calico Pie Software (the publishers of Family Historian) is that …

“Version 4.1 was released yesterday. Version 4.x users can now download a free upgrade to 4.1. The new version has numerous new features and enhancements, including support for copying, deleting and renaming projects. There have been improvements in support for PDFs, pictures & thumbnails, charts & diagrams, the property box, reports, website generation, and much more. All 4.x users are recommended to upgrade. See What’s New in 4.1 for more details.”

For Aussie users of the program, I’m not yet aware of any Family Historian User Groups in Australia (although if anyone happens to know of any, please don’t hesitate to advise, so I can let others know about it), but there is a very active Family Historian User Group website, so if you do have queries or issues, I’m sure someone there would be able to help out.

If you’re reading this, but are not a Family Historian user, why not give it a try with the 30-day demo program.

Related Products:
Family Historian 4
Family Historian 4 Australia/New Zealand Edition
Family Historian 4 Upgrade from V3
Getting the Most out of Family Historian 4